Today is the first time I have ever blogged! I am hoping that I will reach out to every Family in America exposing the MASS Corruption of Child Protection Service's and the Dependency Court System! For the last 28 months I have been documenting CPS and I am just completely disgusted and very sadden that our Nation has allowed this Government agency to Abuse, rape, sell our babies for profit and DESTROY AMERICAN FAMILY'S!!!!
I am a poor single mother all alone fighting for the Safe release of my 4 year old son Hayden. Everyday that passes is another day that my son is being Abused and neglected . If we don't stand up and FIGHT for our CHILDREN then we as a Nation have completely Failed! This might not be you today but it could be you any day. We as Parent's no longer have any right's to OUR children and that's really scary
Judges, lawyers, Foster Agencies, Rehabilitation Centers, Social Workers and many other Employers depend on the Kidnapping of Child Protective Service's to have job security. This is Government Child Trafficking and our very own baby's are being ripped from their loving family's and put with many different stranger's and there saying that there protecting our baby's from potential risk or harm! This is the most outrageous thing I have ever experienced in my whole life.
This is a huge violation of our Civil and Constitution Right's and Its time for all of us to stand up and fight for JUSTICE. I am a strong woman and I might not be rich but we have GOD and GOD doesn't like UGLY. Hayden will have JUSTICE and so will all the many many other family's that are suffering the loss of your KIDNAPPED child. I will never stop this battle!!! Mommy LOVES you baby boy xoxooxoxo!!! I will be blogging every single day until my child is in my loving arms and SAFE from Child Protective Service's.
If there is anyone that can help me fight in the name of Hayden Contact me at The case that I have documented against cps is insane! I on my very own for the past 2 years have filed over 20 Declarations and Many Motions. The Riverside County Corruption is exposed and I have wrote notes on everything in my case an also fought with the Court Clerks because they were ordered by a Judge to not file anything in my case. I would stand there for hours until a Supervisor would come out and ask me If I was threatening him? I would say yes with a Lawsuit if you don't file my Declarations!
I have had 5 Dependency Attorney's because they all have conflicted off my case. My child's Attorney even Conflicted after reading my declarations. One Attorney told the Judge that she didn't want her Bar card to be at RISK or be Civilly Sued so she conflicted. I mean I have put up a really good fight but they have all the POWER! Me I'm just a young single mother that is ALONE fighting AGAINST the Government. I feel like this is all a BAD DREAM and there is just noway that this is okay with The United States of America.
American Family's let's Come together and STOP CPS from destroying anymore Babies and Family's. Please the time is NOW we have no time to waste!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat the government and CPS has done appears to be very wrong. I get that. The fight against this travesty is so huge. The smaller, easier fight might possibly be to obtain custody of your boy, to make it right for you and for your family. For your son. How can he come home to you? What needs to happen?